Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Security, Part 3
* you grant access to anyone who has the same corporate domain email ID that you do (""). Whenever someone tries to access your information, the system validates that their account has that domain. However, it doesn't check to see if that domain is currently valid, just that it was originally. In other words, if someone creates an account on this system, using a corporate email account, it's only validated then. Never again.
* you grant access to someone whose account ID looks like the person you mean ("Joe Abercrombie" = "jabercrombie"). It turns out to be someone else.
* you've granted access to your co-workers. A new person joins the team, but you only remember to add her to 5 out of your 6 on-line tools.
* if you use a corporate directory/ ldap system internally at your company, you are probably used to being able to grant access to groups like "Sales," "U.S.-only," and "Managers." No such luck on external systems.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Where to Sit?
I’m thinking there are three options on where to sit for work:
1. In a company location with your coworkers (teammates).
Ideally, I think that looks like a plush corner office for each, with an open area with tools for collaborating:
- comfy chairs
- white boards
- table
- projector for laptop plus display device/ area
- electrical & network outlets for laptops when necessary
2. In a company location without your coworkers.
But, why come into work if there’s no one there to work with? I’m not sure about this one, when I do this for some reason (go into an office when none of my coworkers are there), I usually just wind up sitting in a “closed office” so I can close the door when I’m on the phone. Sometimes, if I’m mostly going to be in face-to-face meetings that day, I might just go sit in our “Work Café.” This is a very open area, so it doesn’t work very well when I’m on the phone. But, if others I know are around, I might run into them. I can at least watch people walking by.
3. Not even in a company location (working from home, car, coffee shop).
While I think, for me, #1 would be my most productive (and probably enjoyable) location, I haven’t been in the same geographical area with my coworkers in a few years. On my current team, only one other member of my team is even in California (I’m in the Bay Area). So #1 isn’t possible for me with my current workgroup and project list.
However, I do sometimes come into an office, usually when my coworkers are here for some reason. On those occasions, while I may do my own work in a Work Café or reserve a space to sit in, when we meet up to discuss our work, I’d like all of those collaborating tools listed above. And, when I’m not in a company location, how can I have a similar experience as in #1?
I now wonder if some of the projects, and teammates, I’ve had have just been because of where I sat?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Security, Part 2
Now, however, it is very easy for employees to blog on the Internet, or collaborate using a wiki on the Internet. Our email & calendar accounts are accessible from the Internet. But many employees find accessing our applications and documents through our intranet just not compatible with their work (or location, or Internet-enabled device, or ...). So should we move more out onto the Internet?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Security, Part 1
Several months ago when our group started looking at ning, I wrote up some general guidelines for using these Internet-based apps (vs. our intranet), just to have something.
Currently, after reading the policies & guidelines for our company's external blogs and wikis, I'm thinking that we've just flipped the model. We used to think we had to protect users from themselves, by giving them the safest default. Now that everyone wants to be connected via whatever device or appliance or location or situation they choose, we need to move our data onto the Internet. In addition, as we understand the value of open information (think Wikinomics), we (as a company) want to publish as much of our information, and thoughts, to as wide an audience as possible.
Anyway, I think the model is now something more like, "You, as an employee, have knowledge and ideas that may or may not be appropriate to share with the rest of the world, including our competitors. It is up to you to determine whether or not you should publish this information securely, or on the Internet. If you are unsure, contact blahblahblah for assistance."
Friday, October 26, 2007
CSI:NY and Second Life
Why did the suspect drop her shoes when she fell in the hole? What was the hole? okay, so I do have a few questions around what was actually "gameplay" and what was faked.
Also, they are running a game in SL where you get to be a virtual CSI in virtual New York:
There are video tutorials that may be useful for other SL users, although all of the crime-scene tape and dead bodies may be off-putting (or not).
You can watch the CSI: New York "Down the Rabbit Hole" episode here.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Work at Video Games
Sony enters the Rat Race
By way of its PlayStation Blog, Sony has announced Rat Race, a new episodic game series coming to the PlayStation 3 this winter. The game is in development by Super-Ego Games, a relatively upstart studio whose former credits include The Barbie Diaries: High School Mystery for the PC.
So, instead of taking a break from your job and real-life responsibilities to play a game of puzzles and shoot-em-ups, you take a break from your job and real-life responsibilities to play a game of a job and real-life responsibilities. ?
I can't imagine anyone (with a job) thinking that this is fun.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Ning and Facebook
"People want different identities depending on the context. So, for any social network on Ning, your profile is completely customizable and specific to that social network."
I think the big difference in how I use them is that, on Ning, I have as many profile pages as I am a member of different groups. On Facebook, I have exactly one profile page. In my case, on Ning I have the following profile pages:
OSG PM group: info on my group work activity, list of other OSG PM sub-teams I'm on, photos I've uploaded to this group, a feed from my external blog, a comment wall just with comments from other team members, and a few other work related stuff.
GECCO group: not much here as I mostly lurk in this group, but again a comment wall just from other group members
my flyball club's Wii group: all kinds of info on Wii games I'm playing or need help on, game stats, a blog I keep on my games (specific to this group), and videos & other info I've shared with the group.
On Facebook, I'm a member of the following groups, a variety of work & play, but they all point back to my identical profile:
Note that on Facebook, my Comment Wall gets posts from work friends, flyball friends, and just random people leaving comments, all mixed.
This is the big difference for me, that Ning is all about the context of my profile in that group, but in Facebook, there is no context, it's all just me. Two almost opposite approaches, I'd say.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Liveblogging from Office 2.0
I decided to, at least for a day or so, leave them in the format they arrived in, just to see how I feel about that. I will tidy this all up, and also add links to the products and articles, rsn.
If you want to see all blog posts from everyone who was blogging directly from the Office 2.0 conference, check this out (also in my Links channel): Office 2.0 Conf Tag in Technorati.
GTD with Office 2.0:

Smartsheet shows "what changed", granular permissions,
PlanHQ shows also what you did
Do at least weekly review, maybe daily, schedule it
Sometimes you just have the mental aptitude to shred paper.
If you can't find the first actionable task, maybe it's not worth
doing. Staff Meetings start out everyone says what they need from
Results Manager
(Office 2.0 Fri PM Notes, part 3)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Enterprise Collaboration:
Externally-based tools can't always be used, some companies are too
protective of their IP (Sony).
Zimbra, Clearspace,
No votes for video conferencing
Really incorporate The Wisdom of Crowds.
(Office 2.0 Fri PM Notes, part 2)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Most useful tool now for collaboration. Align on language, context.
Nonthreatening. Virtual brainstorming.
McKinsey: Next Revolution of Interactions ( look this up and correct)
Past 30y reengineering, automation, outsoucing. Must increase
productivity of most knowledgeable workers
Now with Web 2.0, you can truly use for online collaboration. Before,
it was just duplicating paper-based tools (didn't transfer to online
collaboration). Will be lots more products appearing in this space now.
Visual Thesaurus
(Office 2.0 Fri PM Notes, part 1)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Online Communities:
Approximately same rate (percentage) of errors.
Empty Quarter: least likely to use social tools, most senior authority
2% troublemakers
Companies creating online communities get new ideas for uses of their
products. Share best practices with each other. Community may/will
morph into something else; but you (company) don't own it anymore,
it's now their community.
Afraid to open up because you might hear something bad. But others may
defend you anyway. You may also get the new great idea. Offering joint
ownership with customers
Ideastorm. Know that ideas will not all succeed.
What resources should you expect to allocate? Many people may already
be blogging, etc., so may just start contributing, without much
additional time.
When Intel started theirs, had 90% Intel contributors; within year
switching to 90% non-Intel.
(Office 2.0 Fri AM Notes, part 4)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Knowledge Workers 2.0:
Mgmt recognizes both are valuable worker types, output-based, not time-
Frequent spectacular failures (already dying in video games).
Still must have a reasonable approach to project
Not just age-based
IT groups already ask SMEs (establish authority, sharing)
These workers usually expect high compensation (they think they are
worth more), high profile projects, high responsibility.
Bursty people don't always work bursty, sometimes have heads-down work
Rewards: can't be expected or gets complicated (disappointment), not
as valuable.
(Office 2.0 Fri AM Notes, part 3)
<Sent from my iPhone>
The New Platform:
(, Zoho, OpenSAM)?
Cross-application activities: single sign-on, copy & paste,
preferences (date formats, etc.), dictionary, highlight colors,
printing, access/ ACLs, versioning
File formats! Can't I have open document format?
Use Facebook as sso? But mesh model vs. hub and spoke model.
(Office 2.0 Fri AM Notes, part 2)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Office 2.0 Setup:
My Office 2.0 Setup
Tools are not usually able to integrate, even copy & paste, also which
app do you look in?
Next year they will use a tool that natively integrates with
600 attendees plus press, presenters, etc.
(Office 2.0 Fri AM Notes)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Web Practioner:
existing internal tools like email, collab, IM, etc.
Success in implementation requires champion(s). Ask forgiveness, not
permission crowd.
Tools on the Internet, is disaster recovery improved?
Death of the Application:
Iteritive releases ( or permanent betas) instead of big (bi-) annual
releases. Less disruptive, expensive.
Software as a service; now there are many choices of word processor,
spreadsheet, task mgr (see office 2.0 list).
It doesn't matter what phone, email program, etc., others are using,
we can still communicate transparently.
Long-tail apps... Product life cycles are accelerating.
(Office 2.0 Thurs late-PM Notes)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Meet Charlie (Pfizer):
None of the people on the team were in the same department.
Sandbox: get people to post what they want to do; others will chime in
if they are also interested, or if they have already started one.
Culture & Technology:
Mellenial generation unsure of business mores and social tools, but
will go dull steam ahead, unlike current gens. Dress codes, conformity.
GenY wants responsibility in their new worklife. Existing managers,
previous gens want less/ no responsibility? Who gets replaced, and
why? More transparency as well will expose workers, too.
Successful corporations will be a "marketplace" for workers.
Collaboration: have we solved all of the one-brain problems, so now
all that's left are multi-brain problems?
Don't forget that the average IQ is 100.
Current young gamers are willing to die (fail) over and over again.
Current workplaces not so forgiving of failure.
(Office 2.0 Thurs mid-PM Notes)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Office 2.0 Thursday AM Notes:
Cultural adoption don't send docs, send links
Decisions: what do I need to know?
What do I need to produce ?
What do I need to communicate ?
(where's the value?)
Pan for gold, I Love Lucy skit in my inbox, email is my favorite app?
Enterprise 2.0:
Mgmnt support
Top down - mgrs can lead the way
Training- not how but why and what's different
Templating no blank page
Solving problems
Adoption: New tool must be 9x better than what it replaces (9x better
than email?)
No Long Tail of users, small percentage of people participating in
Enterprise can be a small number (top small)
Feed the open mouths, don't force others. Be patient
Morgan Stanley created system to convert email groups to discussion
(Office 2.0 Thursday Morning Notes)
<Sent from my iPhone>
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Working Online
Here are my questions, or at least, unresolved issues:
* can I edit OO format documents, or only Microsoft?
* can I at least view these OO documents from my iPhone?
* can I edit somehow from my iPhone?
* do I always have to down/upload the documents to one of these sites? I can't always do that from my iPhone, but many of these documents were emailed to me, if that helps.
More questions, and I'm hopeful, some answers, as I figure them out. I'm headed off to the Office 2.0 conference tomorrow, so maybe all will be revealed there. And, everyone there will be using an iPhone!
Monday, September 3, 2007
iPhone Photo Blogging
There is even a Subscribe option from the web gallery site, although I haven't looked at how that works. But now I know that the subject line gets posted as the caption, so next time I will add useful information there, instead!
Apple, once again, is changing how I work, this time in how I'm sharing pictures. I was missing MMS here, as I normally would have text-messaged the pictures to friends and family; but one at a time, and each would only get a picture or two. This way, I first emailed the link out, then as I took each picture I immediately posted it to the website, all weekend long. Almost as good as being there?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Look, I Have a Theme Song!
The Future Soon, song by Jonathan Coulton, with the video by Mike Spiff Booth. If you think this is as awesome as I do, drop a little in their tip jar.
Here's another from these two; I think I have worked in this office, but not currently of course.
Code Monkey
P.S. I'm not really sorry if these songs get stuck in your head.
Monday, August 27, 2007
What Should IT Provide?
For ease-of-use, many corporate users are going to external services, looking for applications to manage wikis, photos, blog posts, and more. These external services usually have excellent support and reliability, and various kinds of training and help are available.
But if IT could provide these same services, but designed for corporate use, here are some of the things the IT services could provide (in no particular order):
more to come, I'm sure
What I'm Playing Now...
I thought if I'm going to post on Video Games at all, I should at least say what games I'm playing! I pretty much play one game at a time, per console, so here's what I'm playing for each, in order of more to less play time:
Nintendo DS Lite:
Puzzle Quest
Thanks, ChrisM, just as addicting as you said!
Nintendo Wii:
the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Finally finished this, just wondering about replay value. I do wish it didn't have to say how many hours it took me...
MondoSolitaire widget
For those times when you are just waiting at your desk.
and, I just found this
This may get more playing time than the others (unless it drains my battery too quickly). I do need my cell phone, after all.
(mobile on hold)
Sorry for the Delay
Sorry for the delay in posting, I was busy playing with my new... wait for it... you can guess... yup, my new iPhone!!! Wow, is it awesome! Even better than I thought!
Here are To Do lists I'm looking at, but I haven't found the perfect one yet:
TaDa List
I'm also looking for a replacement for Documents to Go, but I'm thinking web-based would be better:
Google Docs & Spreadsheets, but no Safari support?
Note that I rarely use Microsoft formats, prefer OO, so the built-in reader in the iPhone doesn't always help me.
EDIT: 8/28
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Virtual Sun Worlds
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Pictures from Our Flyball Tournament
Monday, August 13, 2007
Kami is a Grand Champion!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Edward Tufte's books (and poster) are pretty great, and beautiful:
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Envisioning Information
Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
Beautiful Evidence
PowerPoint Does Rocket Science--and Better Techniques for Technical Reports
why PowerPoint should not do Rocket Science
Here's the Napoleon's March poster.
and finally, this may be useful:
A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods
Interactivity Scale
F2F (1:1)
F2F Meeting
Video IM
Second Life/ Virtual Reality
Telephone (1:1)
Conference Call
Discussion Forum
Comment Wall
(least interactive)
EDIT: The letters (A-F) are just for grouping labels.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Mass Collaboration
(makes me think of that old Mervyn's commercial)
So if you blab everything you're working on, all the time, and some others chime in, eventually your project morphs into something even bigger, maybe better. You certainly get ideas and perspectives you wouldn't have thought of yourself.
I'm going to try to put out more of my stuff, even before I've really thought it through, in the interests of open open open.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Facebook is my Cubicle
* papers, etc., that I'm working on
* books I'm reading or refer to
* calendar with pictures and notes
* magazines showing my interests
* pictures of my SO, my dogs, Bay to Breakers, etc.
* current fun mousepad
* collection of floaty pens
* random small toys to play with if you were waiting for me to get off of the phone
You (the visitor) could also leave me a note, and see if I'm around and maybe what I was currently doing.
Isn't my Facebook page like that?
Monday, August 6, 2007
There's one vote that Rudy Giuliani definitely can't count on in his 2008 presidential bid: his own daughter's. According to the 17-year-old Caroline Giuliani's Facebook profile, she's supporting Barack Obama.
Slate, 8/6/2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Buster's Famous! (again)

Buster is featured in this month's Bay Woof newspaper. I think you can probably pick these up at most Bay Area pet stores. His article is under Bay Area Canine Champions!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
When you say "collaboration," the average forty-five-year-old thinks they know what you're talking about--teams sitting down, having a nice conversation with nice objectives and a nice attitude. That's what collaboration means to most people.
Wikinomics, p18
Open Source Second Life
Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything
Wondering about Open Source, and why it is a competitive advantage, and worth the risks.
Why do people not employed by the company, or not even in that industry, care enough to contribute?
Amazon link
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Ambient Findability by Peter Morville
Here's a book that's a pretty easy read, and it's very interesting on how people look for information. It also offers lots of tips on how information providers can make their info easier to find.
This book is on Sun's Safari list, so if you can log into that, you can read it for free, and also download pdf chapters. Here's the Safari link. (on-SWAN)
If not, and you'd like to read it, here's the Amazon link.
WOW: Now serving 9 million
WOW: Now serving 9 million
The beast, it thrives. Blizzard today announced that its massively multiplayer online game that needs no introduction has surpassed the 9 million worldwide subscribers mark. Debuting in November 2004, World of Warcraft has consistently been in a league of its own as far as installed user base. Earlier this year, the game's first expansion, The Burning Crusade, set PC-game records by selling a staggering 2.4 million copies within 24 hours of release. The publisher anticipates it will continue to acquire waves of new subscribers, noting The Burning Crusade is currently being prepped for launch in China.
Video Games at Work
Organizations employing the Sesame Street Generation and beyond have begun to use video games to train employees on key, but perhaps not top-of-mind, profitability issues. The ice cream company Cold Stone Creamery uses a simulation video environment to help new employees learn and understand the cost of seemingly minor inaccuracies in portion size. OK, maybe this isn't as fun as some games, but it's not Mervis Beacon Teaches Typing, either.
Persuasive interactives are not only for GenY... who hasn't been slowed down by one of those roadside radar displays?
And the interactives don't need to be full fledged games, they just need to be persuasive by offering the user:
- the situation
- capture of the current decision
- a path to vary "behavior" or "decisions" so that various options can be explored
- interpretable feedback on the impact of their decision
For instance, Fogg (2003) outlines examples in which photocopiers influence behavior by alerting users how much paper they could save with 2-sided printing. (Have you seen those tree-shaped icons?)
If virtual simulation influences social decision-making, driving, ice cream scooping, and photo-copying, it should also work for financial planning, consumer goods product selection, health risk evaluation, career planning, and other serious topics? Why not?
Consider these questions as you start creating "serious games" for your reality.
- What decisions or actions does your site or application try to help people execute?
- Can/do you use or embed interactive, self-directed feedback to help users understand the impact of making various decisions?
- Are the interactive task flows appropriate, available, and obvious at key decision points?
- Are they "walk-up easy" to interact with and use?
- Do the interactives invite you to fiddle with them? Or are they just scary?
- Can users explore alternate strategies effectively?
- Can users translate the feedback to "what-next" action?
- Are the interactives engaging and persuasive... from the customer's perspective?
Something to think about on the beach...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Debunking 5 Business Myths about Second Life
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Griff is also a Grand Champion!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Apple's Knowledge Navigator Video
Apple's Knowledge Navigator Video
Apple's famous Knowledge Navigator concept video which was released in 1998. John Udell founds a copy of this video, and wow - in many cases Apple was spot on target!! This was one of my favorites.
AskTog: Starfire Home
Bruce Tognazzini is a recognized leader in human/computer interaction design. Before that, he was Distinguished Engineer for Strategic Technology at Sun where he led the Starfire Project that predicted the rise of the World Wide Web. During his 14 years at Apple Computer, he founded the Apple Human Interface Group and acted as Apple's Human Interface Evangelist. He has rejoined his long-time colleagues as a principal of the Nielsen Norman Group.
In 1992, he launched a project at Sun Microsystems in an effort to both predict and guide the future of computing. It drew together the talents of more than 100 engineers, designers, futurists, and filmakers.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Private Facebook Pages Are Not So Private
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Buster is a (Grand) Champion!

Buster earned his Flyball Grand Champion (FGDCh-30) today at the Pawdemonium e-Races Tournament in San Jose. That's 30,000 points, or 1200 25-point runs, or 6000 5-point runs, or 15,000 2-point runs, or 30,0000 1-point runs, or (infinite) number of 0-point runs! (or some combination!) What a little trooper!
Good job, Buster!