Saturday, May 29, 2010

7 Items Employers Want to See on Telecommuters’ Resumes

When you’re applying for a new job, your resume is often used as a fast way to assess whether you look like a good candidate for a position — at least on paper. That’s just as true if you’re looking for a position that allows you to telecommute as it is if you’re looking to work in an office.

But the skills and characteristics that a hiring manager is looking for on a telecommuter’s resume aren’t always the same as when you’re looking for other jobs. Among other things, employers are looking for the following:

  1. Prior experience. While it’s not always possible for an employer to find an applicant that has already telecommuted, having prior experience can move your resume to the top of the stack. There’s a learning curve that goes along with becoming a telecommuter, and every employer would prefer to hire someone who’s already figured out the nuts and bolts of telecommuting.
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Here's all seven listed:
1. Prior experience (at telecommuting)
2. Self-direction
3. Great communication
4. Technical skills
5. Professional objectives
6. Access to (adequate) hardware
7. Your reasons for telecommuting

I haven't interviewed for a job that was starting out telecommuting, but these are all good points. Much of it is just good business sense, anyway.

Posted via web from dianaf's posterous

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