Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New! Intro to Virtual Worlds video from Sun

Introduction to Virtual Worlds video from Sun - amazing technology and messaging in this video! 


Robin Williams from the Sun Information Services: Digital Libraries & Research team created this video: 



See if you can spot me! (as my Second Life avatar)


We have built a replica of our real-world next gen space in Second Life, and we have had people tell us they've mixed up their memories on whether they were in our real- or virtual-world space! No, really!


I think people's brains are willing to accept various visual and other clues that they are in a "working environment," even when it's not their usual one. Another example might be working from a hotel, at some point, you are just talking on the phone and doing email, just like you usually do at work. This may feel like a normal work environment, even if you don't have your usual desk and chair.




Posted via web from dianaf's posterous

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