Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Redesigning: Cubicles
For a Company That Sells Productivity, A Space That Fosters It (37Signals)
Inside 37signals' new office in Chicago.
When you're a company that focuses on productivity tools, you set a high bar for your own practices. For the last seven years,37signals, a company that produces products like the project management software Campfire and Basecamp, as well as the popular blog Signal vs. Noise, prided themselves on their flexible working habits, even though those habits were born out of necessity. (read full article here: )
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Notes in the Cloud
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
How Telecommuting Lets Workers Mobilize for Sustainability | Reuters
For U.S. businesses, making the transition to go mobile represents a triple win: It provides workplace flexibility for employees to telecommute or adapt other forms of telework, improves productivity while reducing costs, including reducing the amount of office space needed, and contributes significant environmental benefits in the form of reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions.
While I don’t think the main reason companies should implement workplace strategies and technologies is so employees can work from home (I think the main reason is to support distributed teams), some studies and surveys around telecommuting (another common name for work-from-home) have come out recently.
• in a 2008 survey of 1400 CFOs, one-third said telework arrangements are the best recruiting inducement, while half said it was the second-best (after salary)
• since transportation represents about 26% of (Green House Gas) GHG emissions worldwide, telecommuting is the biggest way to achieve significant reductions in GHG, with a relatively small investment in technology and infrastructure
We are seeing lots of surveys telling us that telecommuting is not only one of the strongest recruiting tools, it’s also one of the biggest retention incentives. These are both good news in these tought economic times for cash-strapped companies, as well as now that recruiting is becoming a little harder again.
Of course, if a company invests in technology and infrastructure to enable its employees to work well together, and to work from everywhere, then these same investments already include what most people need to telecommute.
So why not take advantage of these investments you’ve already made, and use them to offer telecommuting as both recruitment and retention incentives?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Completely Redesigned Evernote for iPhone and iPod Touch « Evernote Blogcast
If you are a mobile worker, use multiple devices (including a smartphone), and are a compulsive notetaker like me, then you should be using Evernote. It automatically syncs with all of your Evernote instances (I use the Mac, iPhone, and web versions; although they have versions for most other platforms), all by itself, with no prompting from you. All of your notes are always with you!
This new iPhone version makes it much easier to add a new note, including incorporating snapshots. This makes it faster to write your notes and include pictures of the speaker and presentation. I use this feature all the time, and the new version really speeds it up for me.
It's also much faster and easier to find your existing notes using tags. This is a huge improvement over the previous version, and best of all, it's free.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Google Docs secrets: 20 power tips | Office | Working Mac | Macworld
I use Google Docs (mostly spreadsheets) all the time to work on documents collaboratively. This top 20 power tips has some good information, but the best one is about sharing with others:
5. Share docs with non-Google Docs users
Google Docs is all about collaboration, and you can even permit people who don’t have a Google account to view and edit your documents.
To share a file, click the padlock icon alongside the document title at the top left of the window. In the dialog box that appears, select Change alongside the Private entry in the list. In the new dialog box, select either Public on the Web or Anyone with the Link. If you want viewers to be able to edit the document as well as just to see it, put a check next to Allow Anyone to Edit. Then click the Save button, and copy and paste the link into one or more e-mail messages.
TELUS Talks Business - Flex Work Gone Wild
Research and analyst organizations around the world have given considerable focus to the topics of workforce mobility, distributed work and flexible workstyles.
Telus is a company playing an active role in industry research and in 2010 they sponsored a national study of the changing workforce dynamics (Harris Decima Flex Workstyles 2010.) The study was designed to look at the current state of the union in flexible work and get the pulse of employees and managers across the country on the benefits and shortcomings of flexible work options.
While I will use this one specific study to step you through the major findings, you should note that there is a substantive body of research that goes back 20 years that supports all of the general trends outlined below. So without further delay here are a few of the highlights:…
Although this series of articles is and data analysis has lots of interesting points, these two seemed the most significant to me:
• How does Flex Work stack up when employees/managers are considering a new career opportunity… Number 2 on the hit list right behind PAY…
• Almost 2/3rds of employees’ spend a significant time away from their desk but only 33% indicated that they have the tools to work effectively anywhere else…
I worked with Ian many years at Sun Microsystems, and he really is a pioneer in this field. And very good at looking at, and understanding, data and surveys.