Here are a couple of fun videos from ten+ years ago. Look to see what's actually possible now (mash-ups?), or what's still science fiction ("Minority Report"?) Apple's Knowledge Navigator Video Apple's famous Knowledge Navigator concept video which was released in 1998. John Udell founds a copy of this video, and wow - in many cases Apple was spot on target!! This was one of my favorites.
AskTog: Starfire Home Bruce Tognazzini is a recognized leader in human/computer interaction design. Before that, he was Distinguished Engineer for Strategic Technology at Sun where he led the Starfire Project that predicted the rise of the World Wide Web. During his 14 years at Apple Computer, he founded the Apple Human Interface Group and acted as Apple's Human Interface Evangelist. He has rejoined his long-time colleagues as a principal of the Nielsen Norman Group.
In 1992, he launched a project at Sun Microsystems in an effort to both predict and guide the future of computing. It drew together the talents of more than 100 engineers, designers, futurists, and filmakers.
Private Facebook Pages Are Not So Private so don't put in anything you don't want others to see. (Is your birthday displaying the year you were born? You can set it to just display month and date in Profile/ Edit/ Basic.)
Buster earned his Flyball Grand Champion (FGDCh-30) today at the Pawdemonium e-Races Tournament in San Jose. That's 30,000 points, or 1200 25-point runs, or 6000 5-point runs, or 15,000 2-point runs, or 30,0000 1-point runs, or (infinite) number of 0-point runs! (or some combination!) What a little trooper!